Comments on: What is Your Competence Level? Lines Per Day Fri, 06 Sep 2019 17:39:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Lee Finney Fri, 06 Sep 2019 17:39:49 +0000 In reply to Umair.


As far as writing device drivers — I have had to assist with debugging while writing device drivers. It has been some time, but sometimes only software can bring out a bug in hardware. But, it is not actually about modifying hardware, but the understanding that you obtain about the levels about it.

There are also plenty of other areas that may or may not need to be recognized. Lots of room between stages 3 and 4 such as developing AI applications.

By: Umair Fri, 06 Sep 2019 05:08:19 +0000 In reply to Michael Lee Finney.

Hi Micahel,
thanks for the appreciation. 1.5 for web development looks good to me.
Your description of someone who can modify the hardware seems a little too much for a developer. For me, the only hardware modification is that I can swap things (RAM, Processor, HDD). 🙂 🙂
Also, I didn’t meet anyone who solders devices while writing the device driver!

By: Michael Lee Finney Thu, 05 Sep 2019 16:20:55 +0000 Looks good — but you have left off some stages. Also depending on your career, some intermittent stages may be omitted.

Stage 1.5 You can develop a web application and its server.
Stage 6 You can debug / modify the hardware (not building out a new computer).

I have always thought that the term “full stack developer” is very misleading. It is only stage 1.5. To me, it should mean stage 1- 6.
